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High-Volume, High-Intensity Power Training PART 2 - WOD

 Welcome to the World of High-Intensity, High-Volume Workouts-Of-The-Day!

First things first: read Part One of this series from September 15th of last month if you haven't already done so.  If you have, then we can move on...

Let's keep things as simple as possible for the sake of "ease of workouts".  The workouts themselves will be hard enough without overcomplicating the program.

Start off by training each of the core lifts - squats, bench presses, and deadlifts - on one day per week.  I like to train during the week when on this program - or when training someone on this program - and then take the weekends off for rest, relaxation, drinking cocktails, throwing down the gauntlet at an arm-wrestling tournament; ya' know, whatever it is you like to do with your weekends without having to think about also performing a hard-ass training session.

So the split would look like this:

Monday: Squats - pick any of the WOD below

Wednesday: Bench Presses - pick any of the WOD below

Friday: Deadlifts - pick any of the WOD below

Workouts of the Day!

For each "workout-of-the-day" you will perform a "ramp" series of sets followed by a "back-off" workout.  So pick one "ramp" below followed by a back-off workout and do both at each and every workout.  But feel free to change things up at every workout.  The more advanced you are, the more change you will need.


The 5-Rep Ramp

This is the most basic - but don't think that basic means easy.  Start with nothing but the Olympic bar and slowly add weight with each set, always doing 5 reps.  Stop once you "miss" 5 reps.  

Take your "sweet" time in getting up to the 5-rep max.  You may end up doing 10 to 15 sets - the more the better. Do NOT simply do 2 or 3 sets before reaching your 5-rep "max".  It's called "ramps" for a reason.

3-2-1 Ramp

Perform sets of 3 reps, ramping up until you reach a weight where 3 reps is damn near impossible.  At this point, add weight and do sets of 2 until 2 reps seems impossible.  Then begin doing singles until you "miss" a rep.

5-4-3-2-1 Ramp

This is the most intense of the ramps.  Work up in sets of 5 until you can only get 4 reps; continue with 4 until you can only get 3 reps, and so on until you "miss" for 1 rep.

The "Back-Off" Portion


For the first "back-off", once you have finished your ramps, reduce down to a weight where it will be very difficult to get 5 sets of 5 reps, but try your best.  And, remember, these are "straight sets" using the same weight for all 5 sets of 5 reps

12, 10, 8 Pyramid

Back off to a weight where 12 reps is difficult.  Add weight and do a set of 10, add more weight and do a set of 8 reps.  This workout and the one below are great for "getting a pump".

12, 10, 8, 6, 4 Pyramid

Same as above, just bigger.

The Double Ramp

For this back-off workout, simply attempt to repeat your ramp workout.  Drop down to nothing but the Olympic bar and start all over.  This is for advanced lifters only!


Drop weight to an approximate 12-rep max and attempt to do 8 sets of 8 reps


The is the classical "German Volume Training".  After all the ramps, pick a weight that is between a 15 and 20 rep maximum and attempt 10 sets of 10 reps with that weight.

Triple Drop "Strip" Sets

Drop down to your 5-rep max weight after your ramps.  Do as many reps as possible, reduce weight by 10 to 20 pounds (depending on the lift) and do another 5 reps.  Reduce by 10 to 20 pounds and do a final set of 5 reps!

For this one, you can obviously pick "lighter" rep ranges, in the 6 to 12 range, but I like 5s, since the goal is building strength.


This is perfect for all of you lifters who are solely interested in maximum strength gains.  Once you are finished with you ramps, drop down to a weight that you used where 5 reps was tough but not "all-out".  Attempt 10 sets of 3 reps with that weight.


Use the same weight as the 10x3 workout, but perform doubles for 15 sets.


Make sure that you keep a journal so that you are trying your best to beat your previous week's weights and reps.  Work hard and remember: you have an entire week before you have to do the exercise again.

Feel free to add in "assistance" work as you see fit, but don't overdo it!  The ramps and the back-offs should be plenty intense enough.


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