An Eder-Inspired High-Set, Low-Rep Program After writing my last essay on the great Marvin Eder, I thought more and more about his Olympic lifting program (which is featured in that essay). Of all the programs that he did, and recommended to others, I think that program might be his most effective for lifters after a combination of raw power and muscle mass. I also think for the average gym-goer, however, it would probably be a bit “too much.” So with that in mind I created a sorta kinder, gentler version that will be more effective for the vast majority of readers. I would encourage you to read my Eder article, but if you don’t, then just know this: Eder was fond of high-set, low-rep workouts, especially when training for Olympic lifting, but combined his lifting workouts with bodybuilding workouts to create—what we would probably now call—a “hybrid” system of training. The program below uses thi...
Essays on Old-School Strength Training, Classic Bodybuilding, Traditional Martial Arts, and Budo Philosophy