Some “Easy Strength” Methods, Tips, and Ideas for Easy Fat Loss I have written a lot—and will continue to write a lot—about high-frequency training . I have sort of an ever ongoing series, in fact, dealing with different ways to use and incorporate HFT based on your goals and needs. In this essay, I want to discuss some ways that you can use HFT for fat loss. I believe that a lot of lifters, and regular gym-goers in general, don’t achieve their fat loss goals because they train too hard and they diet too strictly. That might seem as if it’s an odd statement at first. After all, do we not get the best results when we are regimented and serious about our training and eating? In some ways maybe, but not so fast. When you eat very little and train with a lot of intensity—even if it’s just “intense” cardio—you quickly burn out, you don’t feel good, and you don’t stick with it. You may get good results at first , but the gains won’t last. I have written elsewhere that
Essays on Old-School Strength Training, Classic Bodybuilding, Traditional Martial Arts, and Budo Philosophy