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Showing posts with the label shoulder training

Shock-Therapy Demolition Deltoid Training

High-Voltage Shock Therapy Training for Stubborn Delts! by Jared Smith   Arnold and his massive shoulders!          Few things will make one stand out in a crowd quite like a super-wide, capped set of deltoids. Shoulders have always been the symbol of strength, and give a bodybuilder a comic book-character look.            While it is true that the delts get trained, to a certain degree, when training the chest, that doesn’t mean you can skimp on training them or simply press your heart out in order to earn them. Pressing will stimulate all three heads of the deltoids, but the anterior—or front deltoid—will get the brunt of the work. The best way to add width and dimension to the shoulders is to add a significant amount of beef to the medial and posterior delts. Delts to be Inspired By          I must admit that for a long...