The High-Frequency Training Manifesto Part 3: Some Powerlifting Specialization Programs If you haven’t done so, please read Part One and Part Two first. Each part in this series piggybacks off the previous one. With that out of the way, on with Part Three… Once you have trained utilizing high-frequency “easy strength” methods for several months, or if you’re already well-versed in HFT, you may want to specialize on a certain lift, a few lifts (such as the 3 powerlifts or the 2 Olympic lifts), or on a certain bodypart. What follows are some specialization programs for powerlifting, although they will give you an idea of how you should train even if you want to specialize on something else. Originally, my plan was to include some additional specialization programs in this one article, but after writing out the powerlifting programs, it was plenty long as it currently is. In upcoming parts of...
Essays on Old-School Strength Training, Classic Bodybuilding, Traditional Martial Arts, and Budo Philosophy