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Showing posts with the label Jeff Everson death

Thursday Throwback: STRONGMAN MUSCLE

      I have not been able to write quite as much on the blog as usual of late.  I also write full-time for a media company, and sometimes it causes me to get a little behind in the stuff that I really love to write about; hardcore strength and power, traditional budo, etc.  Anyway, I should have some more "regular" articles published here in the next couple weeks, and, until then, I thought it would be good to do another "Thursday Throwback."      This is an article I wrote for Planet Muscle  around ten years ago.  I think it's a good article, and, in fact, I thought it would be more popular than it was/is.  You can find quite a bit of my training programs out there on the internet - my "high-frequency focus training" is rather popular, for instance - but you don't see this program anywhere.  Credit Jeff Everson - who I miss dearly every time I think of my time writing for PM - for running a lot of my programs in the pages of ...


   The following is an article of mine that first appeared in the July/August 2013 issue of Planet Muscle  magazine .  I thought this would be a good "Thursday Throwback" piece since I just mentioned Bulgarian-style training in my recent essay "4 Tips for Serious Lifters" where I presented some ideas of strength coach Nick Horton - a proponent of the "Bulgarian method" - who said "overtraining doesn't exist."  Whether you agree with that statement or not, you shouldn't really argue against it, or for it, unless you have at least attempted the sort of training that Horton was discussing.      (With regards to the defunct Planet Muscle , in the future I would also like to do a piece on its founder and editor, Jeff Everson, who died suddenly in 2019 at the age of 68.  Everson and I became friends over the course of me working for him.  And I miss my friend.)      On with our Throwback: Iconic picture of the iconic weightlifte...