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Showing posts with the label beginning bodybuilding

High Frequency Training

High Frequency Training Frequent Workouts for Fast Results      High Frequency Training—we’ll just call it HFT from here on out—involves any form of training where you are working each muscle group a minimum of 3 times a week (that’s right, a minimum ).   HFT usually gets a bad rap when it is presented to the average bodybuilding public.   It has become a fad to train each muscle group infrequently and with a very high-intensity and/or high-volume.   But I’m here to tell you right now that there is a better way to train.   So if you’re tired of hearing that the best way to train a muscle is to “annihilate” it and then give it a week (or longer) to rest and grow stronger, you ought to love this article.      If you don’t believe this kind of training works, you probably would like to see some examples of well-developed athletes and/or bodybuilders who have used it.   First off, let’s examine athletes .   So...