For some reason, by FAR the most "hits" on any of my pages here at Integral Strength are for one of my oldest posts, one that I wrote in 2009 when I first started this blog entitled "Old Time Mass Tactics: One-Exercise-Per-Bodypart Training." You can read it here if you're interested: Even though I wrote that piece when I was 35 - and I'm now 48 - I do think that it still "stands on it's own", and so I wouldn't change much, if anything, about it. However, my views HAVE changed a little since that time, primarily when it comes to older lifters because, well, I'm an older lifter now, and when you're in your upper 40s (or older) you probably shouldn't train the way you did when you were in your early to mid 30s. For instance, when I was in my early 30s, I was the strongest I had ever been in my entire life. I could squat and deadlift (in...
Essays on Old-School Strength Training, Classic Bodybuilding, Traditional Martial Arts, and Budo Philosophy