A Double-Split Program for Weekend Strength Warriors A good portion of the material I write on my blog is precipitated by questions I receive in emails. Of course, a lot of the questions that I get have been covered in my various essays and articles, so I don’t write additional material about those questions. This morning, however, I received a question that I thought might deserve its own essay since there might be other readers in a similar situation. To paraphrase, the questioner asked me if it would be a good idea to use a “double-split” (where you train twice in one day) on the weekends since he has plenty of time to train on Saturday and Sunday but little time for training during the week. His plan is to get 4 training sessions in on the weekend, then try to fit one more workout in during the week. After a few emails back and forth to understand his training history, I told him that, yes, I do think it’s a good idea, espe...
Essays on Old-School Strength Training, Classic Bodybuilding, Traditional Martial Arts, and Budo Philosophy