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Showing posts with the label Vince Gironda training

Are You on a Training Program or Are You Just Working Out?

  The Importance of Proper Programming            The title of this essay comes from a well-known utterance of the real “trainer of champions” Vince Gironda.  I’ve quoted it more times than just about any other quote from a coach, bodybuilder, or strength athlete.  (Although I have oft-used Zatsiorsky’s quote “to train as often as possible while being as fresh as possible.”)  Gironda’s saying is an important quote that a lifter or bodybuilder needs to always keep in his mind, because too many trainees still just go to the gym and “work out” without any real plan.      I mentioned this briefly in another recent post—and I’ve mentioned it at various times in different articles and essays throughout my career—but the main reason that people still just “work out” is because they don’t understand what actually constitutes a “good” training session.  Most people let the means (the workouts th...

Are You on a Training Program or Are You Just Working Out?

Are You on a Training Program or Are You Just Working Out? Programming and the Importance of Routine Vince Gironda, poolside in the 1950s, the inspiration for this post. The title of this blog post comes from a quote from the legendary "Iron Guru" Vince Gironda, who would often extol, "Are you on a training program or just working out?"  Gironda knew that one of the most important facets of training - maybe the most important factor - was consistency, and the only way to be consistent is to be on a program. Programs.  Routines.  Schedules. The three words are thrown around almost interchangeably when it comes to workout programs, since we often refer to them as workout "routines" or workout "schedules," as well.  When it comes to "programming" - I mean exactly this usage.  When it comes to "routine" I mean it here as your daily schedule , the daily routine of your life  that is necessary for the program you are using to proper...

Simple and EASY Mass-Gaining Tips and Techniques

For Fast Muscle-Building Results At first, I was going to write this as one "big-as-hell" article the same as my one from last week on old-school arm training.  However, I thought this might work best as a sort of semi-regular series on various "little known" or "secret" muscle-building tips and techniques for easy  mass-gaining.  Besides, it was getting kind of long as it is.  Introduction out of the way, I hope you enjoy... The "Iron Guru" Vince Gironda, seen here in his competitive days, was the inspiration for this article.  Gironda had more knowledge of "secret" muscle-building tips and tricks than just about any trainer before or since.   In many of my posts and articles, I often lament the fact that many lifters (and I use that word loosely here) seem to prefer over-complicated and easy instead of simple but hard  training programs.  I suppose nutrition would fit the bill, too.  But in the case of diets, I think more people are ...

Classic Bodybuilding: Vince Gironda's Weight-Gaining Tips

     For the last few days, I've been working on a post/article on the original Muscle Beach Iron Guru Vince Gironda. That piece will be much more extensive than this one, but it will also be largely about his training principles, revolutionary as they were at the time Gironda unleashed them upon the bodybuilding world. But in rummaging/scouring through old Ironman and MuscleMag International articles, I came across an article in the October '95 Ironman where Gironda listed his weight-gaining suggestions. Gironda at his peak      Gironda had so many innovative - not to mention downright cool sometimes - training ideas that it would be almost impossible to discuss them in one article, but I will discuss a couple of other additional nutrition ideas he had at the end of this post. But first, the tips! Here they are*:Drink water during your workout. Drink at least one pint after each muscle group worked, but dont' drink out of a fountain, because you swall...

Classic Bodybuilding: Serge Nubret's "Chase the Pump" Training

For those of you who are my age or older, you can probably remember well the first time you saw the amazing physique of Serge Nubret: It was in the pseudo-documentary we all now know and love as “Pumping Iron.”  With the director and writers of Pumping Iron attempting to make out the film as a “David vs Goliath” with the young (but massive) Lou Ferrigno taking on the older “Goliath” in the form of Arnold Schwarzenegger, they had no idea that their whole half-true enterprise would crumble a bit with the entry of Serge Nubret. You took one look at Nubret and you knew there was no doubt that Ferrigno was out of his league with both Schwarzenegger and the Frenchmen.  (Nubret was French.) Nubret - to this day - had one of the most classically beautiful physiques of all-time.  Arnold, of course, won the whole thing, but Nubret easily came in 2nd. By the time I watched Pumping Iron sometime in the mid to late ‘80s, there was very little information that I could fin...