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Showing posts with the label muscle

The Power of One

The One-Exercise-Per-Muscle Group Manifesto      God only knows how many different training routines are out there in today’s bodybuilding world.   The magazine in your hands alone probably has at least a half dozen of them.   All this eclecticism can get a bit confusing for many bodybuilders and strength athletes.   Especially for those guys and gals of you that are just starting out.   So, what is the best way to train?      One reason that so many different programs exist is because all of them are effective (to a certain extent), and lifters and ‘builders all respond differently to different programs based on their body types.   I’m here to tell you, however, that one method of training seems to stand above all the others.   And this method is the one-exercise-per-bodypart philosophy.   Of course, many different workouts exist within one-exercise-per-muscle group training, so this article will at...