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Showing posts with the label work out every day

Workout Tip: You Should NEVER be Sore

Matthew Sloan trains very high-frequency and is rarely sore!   Your workouts should not make you very sore.  It sounds odd, I know, especially when someone first hears it.  But it's true. I'm rarely, if ever, truly "sore" after any of my workouts nowadays.  I sometimes have a small soreness the next day, but it's more a feeling of tightness, a "good soreness", if there is such a thing, that is usually from a new exercise the day before, or doing an old exercise in a new way. I shouldn't be sore, but you  shouldn't be sore, either.  If you are, you are doing it wrong.  Don't worry if you're now angry with me, since it could be that you have been doing workouts wrong your whole life, especially if you're now trying to remember a time when you were not  sore from a workout. Let's say that your max squat for 10 repetitions is 225 lbs.  And let's say you do those 10-all out reps in a workout on Monday.  Even with one set, you are g