In the latest issue of Planet Muscle (July, 2013), I have an article that deals with what is commonly called the "Bulgarian method" of high-frequency training. To be honest, it's probably one of the most "non-bodybuilding" pieces I've ever written for any of the major muscle magazines. I'm glad Jeff Everson actually printed it (I had my doubts when I sent it to him.) To whet your appetite, here's a portion of the article where I discuss the three factors of frequency, intensity and volume: "Any well-designed program must take into account three important variables: frequency, intensity, and volume. Programs that fail are ones that don’t properly manipulate and control these variables. For instance, if you were to perform a program for lots of sets, lots of reps, and lots of intensity multiple times per week, you would be setting yourself up to fail – and would surely do so. If any two of the variables are high, then the oth...
Essays on Old-School Strength Training, Classic Bodybuilding, Traditional Martial Arts, and Budo Philosophy