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Showing posts with the label Steve Davis bodybuilder

Classic Bodybuilding: The Mass Building Methods of Steve Davis

     In the late '70s-early '80s,  Steve Davis became a well-known figure in the bodybuilding world.  He graced the cover of quite a few bodybuilding magazines due to his "classical" physique—he was by no means "massive" in the sense that we think of it today, but he had clean lines, and a well-proportioned physique.  But it wasn't necessarily his build that made him so popular, but, rather, the transformation that occurred in his body.      You can see Steve's rather impressive transformation on the cover of his popular book "Total Muscularity."      In addition to the above book, he also wrote a few others, but "Total Muscularity" remained the favorite among his readers.      When I took up serious  bodybuilding training in the early '90s, Davis wrote a monthly column for MuscleMag International  that, I'm afraid, was overlooked by many of its readers—I just never felt as if Steve got his jus...