It’s quite possible that, at one time or another, I’ve already written about this subject because, I swear, I remember doing so, but when I looked around on my blog—and in the myriad of word documents that I have stored on my computer—I couldn’t find it. I also have a sense of deja vu, as the reason I started thinking about this subject was because I received an email from a reader who was confused over the different variations within 5x5 training that he had come across. And I, once again, could have swore I received this same email—or one unabashedly like it—awhile back. And I thought I had written an essay in response to said email because I figured that there are other readers out there who are probably looking for similar information. Hence, the deja vu. Oh, well, I reasoned, even if I have written about 5x5 variations before, I write a lot of articles that often revolve around a similar the...
Essays on Old-School Strength Training, Classic Bodybuilding, Traditional Martial Arts, and Budo Philosophy