...And Watch Your Strength Explode! C.S. pulling over 500 pounds almost 20 years ago. A few weeks ago, in another "Thursday Throwback," I posted an article I wrote for Planet Muscle magazine on "Building a Bigger Bench." Since there was quite a bit of interest in that particular article, I thought I would post another powerlifting article that I wrote on training your deadlift. This is, specifically, on how to train for your body type - that's right, different programs work better for different lifters. This article originally appeared in "Dragon Door" online magazine in 2008. And if you're struggling at all with your deadlift, I promise, this is just what the powerlifting gods ordered... The other day I was reading an article by a well-known strength coach when he mentioned that Olympic weightlifting coach Anatoly Bondarchuk believed there were three different kinds of athletes—those who responded best to volume, those who responded best to in...
Essays on Old-School Strength Training, Classic Bodybuilding, Traditional Martial Arts, and Budo Philosophy