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Showing posts with the label powerlifting genetic potential

Embrace Your Genetics... And Gain Like Never Before, Part One

If you are starting out in strength training, and interested in some sort of competitive strength sports, how do you know what strength sport?  Have you ever wondered why you're stronger than other guys your size?  Or why you can gain muscle, but have a very hard time building strength?  Then read on... this is YOUR article. Embrace Your Genetics...  And Gain Like Never Before! Part One   Many athletes, fighters, lifters, and bodybuilders don't succeed because they don't learn to embrace their genetics.  For a long time, I didn't embrace my genetics, and it cost me.  When I was a young man, for instance, I was very skilled at martial arts, but always small.  At some point, I decided that I wanted to look more like Arnold and less like Bruce Lee. Bruce Lee was always the look I had "went" for when training, and this was actually smart if I would have been mature enough (I was only a teenager) to pay attention to my skills, and internal clues that w...