Part One: How to Select and Utilize High-Frequency Training Programs Plus an Example Ready-to-Use “Easy Strength” Program I have been touting the benefits of high-frequency training (which we’ll refer to simply as HFT for the remainder of this essay) for over 20 years now. And I’m here to tout it again. If you’ve spent most of your training life on either high-volume training programs done infrequently (what most gym-goers seem to do these days), H.I.T. style training, or anything in between, you owe it to yourself to give HFT a go. You may be quite pleasantly surprised at the results. The problem that a lot of people face once they decide they actually want to try HFT is in deciding what sort of program to utilize and how to use it. HFT, in general, can be a little “complicated” for the majority of lifters—at least the ones here in America who aren’t accustomed to this style of lifting, as oppose...
Essays on Old-School Strength Training, Classic Bodybuilding, Traditional Martial Arts, and Budo Philosophy