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Showing posts with the label muscle building tips

A Well-Defined Goal

What it Takes to Actually Achieve Your New Year’s Resolution(s)       I rolled out of bed this morning, went to the coffee maker to brew my morning cup of Joe, and then put on the local morning news while I listened to the spewing and sputtering sounds made by my generic Keurig.  I don’t usually watch the news in the morning.  I typically get out of bed and, as my coffee is brewing, begin lacing up my shoes for a morning walk while my dog Kenji paces back and forth in anxious anticipation of our almost daily exercise.  But it was so cold this morning, and with slight snow flurries coming down, I thought it would be good to take the day off from my usual walk (much, it must be said, to my dog’s chagrin).  So I turned on the news to see what the weather had in store this week in my adopted home state of Alabama.      But, don’t worry, it’s not the weather in the Deep South that I want to discuss for this essay....

Muscle-Building New Year's Resolutions: Part Two - Training

  Muscle-Building Resolutions:  Part Two - Training for Mass Old-time strongman Sieg Klein, who used methods similar to what are recommended in this essay.      If your New Year’s resolutions involve getting as massive as possible, and you are interested in how to eat for muscle mass gain, make sure you read Part One first.  If it’s training ideas that you are most in need of for reaching your 2024 goals, however, this is your article.  But realize, no matter what training program you get on, you will still need to make sure you are eating big to get big.  With that out of the way, on with the training…      Here are a few tips to help you build as much muscle as possible in the shortest amount of time.  While genetics play a large role in determining just how much muscle you can gain, the following tips will ensure that you reach your genetic potential this year. Tip #1: Try a High-Frequency Training Progr...