The Best Two-Way Training Splits for Inducing Hypertrophy and Unleashing Impressive Gains in Strength I’m fond of full-body workouts. In fact, if you’re new to training, and you stumbled upon this essay as you scoured the internet looking for the best split program to make you massive—not to mention massively strong—then understand that you’re better off utilizing full-body workouts. At least at the start. Eventually, you will want to move on to a split program of some sort, however. Now, please don’t get me wrong (I mean, really, don’t), you could spend your entire training life doing nothing other than full-body workouts —whether they’re high-frequency “easy strength” programs, or heavy/light/medium programs, or just “basic” 3 day a week programs where all of the training is “ moderate ”—and never need anything else. But eventually you’ll want to use some split programs, even if it’s just occasionally, and even if it’s don...
Essays on Old-School Strength Training, Classic Bodybuilding, Traditional Martial Arts, and Budo Philosophy