Matthew Sloan does real bodybuilding workouts at 16 years old, and it shows! The other day I received an email from a reader who stumbled across my article on "Increasing Work Capacity." Apparently, this particular gentleman had come across it while perusing some forum-or-another—in one of the many "hardcore bodybuilding forums"—that was discussing the article. Basically, to sum it up, he took me to task for "daring" to suggest that drug-free bodybuilders could possibly perform such hard work as I suggested for the advanced lifters in my post. I, politely as I could, explained my reasonings. I explained how drug-free bodybuilders could certainly work up to the amount of work I suggested and, not only survive it, but actually thrive on it. When I was finished with my reply, I hit the "send" button, and then began to lament inwardly, thinking to myself, "Where have all the real bodybuilde...
Essays on Old-School Strength Training, Classic Bodybuilding, Traditional Martial Arts, and Budo Philosophy