The following article is a revision of one that I wrote a few years ago for Planet Muscle Magazine. It covers several different styles of training for the bench press—styles, of course, that also could be used on the other powerlifts. This article is good for anyone who is not well acquainted with the major styles of training amongst powerlifters. It's also a good lead-in article for a series I want to do on "hybrid" training, which is discussed in brief at the end of this article. Building a Bigger Bench Analyzing the Various Training Methods for Increasing your Bench Press For many years, powerlifters and strength coaches have used a variety of training methods for achieving a bigger bench press. This article will analyze some of the more popular methods so that you can best decide which method suits your needs and your desires. Many of you who don’t keep ...
Essays on Old-School Strength Training, Classic Bodybuilding, Traditional Martial Arts, and Budo Philosophy