For this latest installment of my semi-regular "Fundamentals" series (inspired by the great IronMan writer of my youth, Bradley Steiner), I thought it would be a fitting time to discuss a few of the fundamental lessons that I've learned from lifting, lessons I sure-as-hell wish I'd known when I was first starting out. So here goes... Matthew Sloan builds his muscle mass through "consistent" training! Lesson #1: Consistency Trumps Everything The first lesson here is the one that most people intuitively "know" to be correct. If you want to gain plenty of muscle mass, get stronger, lose bodyfat, or whatever-your-goals, it's not going to happen without consistency. In other words, showing up isn't just "half" the battle; it's the foundation that underlies everything else. Now, since this is the one lesson here that is naturally intuitive, how come folks don't have more success at, well, anything ...
Essays on Old-School Strength Training, Classic Bodybuilding, Traditional Martial Arts, and Budo Philosophy