Build Muscle and Strength With This Basic 3x5 HFT Program! Matthew Sloan—at just 16 years of age—has built plenty of lean muscle and an aesthetic physique using HFT programs almost exclusively After my last several posts on HFT, I thought it would be good—based on several emails that I have received, with readers pondering how to properly apply the HFT principles—if I did a few posts with specific methods of training. These posts will take out more of the guesswork from planning, and then implementing, a HFT plan. Keep in mind that these programs are just examples . You may need to make your own adjustments based on genetics, past training history, etc. But, for the average lifter, these programs—as examples—will be good on setting you on the correct path. Some of you may need more training, and some may need to be less, but stick with the programs as I recommend them before deciding that you need to make personal c...
Essays on Old-School Strength Training, Classic Bodybuilding, Traditional Martial Arts, and Budo Philosophy