Should or COULD younger bodybuilders use my Ageless Bodybuilding System? This morning, I was sitting at my computer and working on my next installment of my "Ageless Bodybuilding" System, when I received a curious email. Now, I check my email every day, and try my very best to answer my mail, but it sometimes take a little bit since I'm typically "backed up" in responses. (By the way, if you have emailed me and I haven't responded, always give it a week or so—I do eventually get around to a response.) However, with this particular email, I thought it would be best if I wrote the general gist of my response to the questioner for the rest of my readers. In a nutshell, this young man said he was interested in what I had written about my Ageless Bodybuilding System, and wondered if there would be benefits—or drawbacks—to a young person in their 20s doing it. (He specifically asked about young men, but I'm going to include women here in my res...
Essays on Old-School Strength Training, Classic Bodybuilding, Traditional Martial Arts, and Budo Philosophy