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Showing posts with the label Jeff Maddy

High Frequency Training for Strength and Power, Part Two

     In part one of this series, we discussed some of the basics for building a lot of strength and power using high-frequency training (HFT).  In summation, here are the main points from the previous post: ·          “Train as frequently as possible while being as fresh as possible.”  For most people, this means 5 days per week, sometimes 6.  Take off at least one day each week.  When you first begin, however, 4 days per week should suffice. ·          For the most part, use progressively heavier sets. ·          Train with 2 or, at the most, 3 exercises each day.  Pick a squatting movement, a pulling movement, and a pushing movement when using 3 exercises, or 2 combinations thereof when using 2. ·          The majority of reps should be done in the 2 to 5 range. ·   ...