The One-Lift-A-Day Powerlifting Program I received quite a lot of positive feedback for my last essay on “One-Exercise-Per-Workout” programs for building a combination of strength, power, and muscle mass. I also mentioned in that essay that my original intention was to write something longer that included a powerlifting-specific program, but since the essay was already at around 2K words, I thought it was long enough to stop where I did. However, I’ve had a couple emails asking questions about what a powerlifting program would look like, so here’s my answer. Before you read, study, and consider applying these powerlifting-centric programs to your workouts, my first advice is to make sure you read Part One . It lays out the benefits and the reasons why you would want to follow such a program in the first place. I will probably touch upon some of the same things here that I did in that ...
Essays on Old-School Strength Training, Classic Bodybuilding, Traditional Martial Arts, and Budo Philosophy