Before you even begin this post, let me warn you: it may be one of the most rambling things I’ve written. This is primarily because I’m not sure if I know exactly what the hell I’m going to say—which has never exactly stopped me in the past, mind you—but I do have several things on my mind as of late. (Add to the fact that I’ve not written too much in the last few weeks, and so I knew I needed to get something on my blog.) It all started a few days ago when my friend Josh texted me—I hate texting, but I must admit that it has become a pretty good way to communicate with friends who live several states away—and wanted to know if I remembered the book “Big Beyond Belief” from the mid to late ‘90s, and wanted to know what I thought/think about it. Did I remember it? Heck, yeah, I remembered it, I proceeded to tell him. Hell, I shelled out a hefty $50 for the thing, at a time when I had l...
Essays on Old-School Strength Training, Classic Bodybuilding, Traditional Martial Arts, and Budo Philosophy