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New E-Book Available: ULTIMATE MASS & POWER!


    I have a new book available on Amazon Kindle.  It's entitled "Ultimate Mass and Power: A Collection of Training Programs for Getting Massively Big and Incredibly Strong." (Click on the link to purchase.)

Here's the description:

Are you looking for massive muscles? Monstrous strength gains? How about a combination of both?

There seems to be quite a bit of confusion out there—whether it’s on the internet or at the gym—about how to train for BOTH hypertrophy and serious strength gains. The first problem seems to be that some folks just don’t know how to do either. Guys go to the gym to “get big” but then spend most of their time attempting to max out on a lift. Or, conversely, a guy wants to be massively strong but spends too much of his time training for a pump or doing a lot of repetitions.

The training programs contained in this book will clear up this confusion. Herein you will find 16 different articles—each article replete with different programs—that offer various EFFECTIVE ways to lift for both massive muscles AND impressive gains in strength. In other words, if you want to be big AND strong, then this book is for you!

It's available for the pretty low cost of $6.99!

Most of the articles you can find on this blog or on various internet sites, but this collects them into one place.  Also, I plan on publishing a few other article collections.  My current plan is to release one on "high-frequency training," one on "Heavy/Light/Medium training," and one that is a collection of essays.  So look for those, as well, in the coming weeks!


  1. Any possibility of a paper version later on.

    1. Yes, I DO plan on releasing a paperback version, as well. My current plan is to release a couple books as E-books, see how they sell as that, and then release them in paperback a little later. If there's more interest in paperback than I expected, I will simply do this sooner than later. But thanks for the question.


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