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 Build the Ultimate Combination of Mass and Strength with this Unique High-Set, Low-rep Method of Training

The late, great Anthony Ditillo utilized programs very similar to what is written here.  If he were with us today, he'd probably give this one a thumbs up and say, "Ditillo approved!"

Some of my favorite programs for building muscle mass involve the use of high-sets and low-reps.  In fact, when I first started this blog 14 years ago, one of the very FIRST questions I was asked by a reader was whether or not I had a “favorite” method of training.  At first, I think I was going to “cop out” and tell him some crap such as, “the best workout is the one you’re not doing” kind of thing.  But then I decided that, hell, honesty is always the best policy, and so I told him the truth: my FAVORITE approach to training was the high-set, low-rep method, specifically using anywhere between 10 to 20 sets of 1 to 5 reps.

Fourteen years later is that still the case?  Yes, and no.  I think it is one of the TWO best ways to train.   My other favorite method—and if this ain’t your first rodeo here at Integral Strength you know exactly where I’m going with this—is high-frequency training (HFT for short).  Add in the fact, too, that I’m now in my 5th decade of existence on our lovely planet Earth, and I also do a lot of higher-repetition training (just read my Ageless Bodybuilding articles if you’re as old, or older than me).  But using a high-set, low-rep method of training is STILL one of the best ways for bodybuilders to build a lot of muscle mass and strength, especially young male bodybuilders.  (As I’ve written elsewhere, I like slightly higher repetitions for the female athlete.  In the future, I will write something specifically for the female bodybuilder, but for now, if you’re female and want to try a program such as this one, here’s my advice: do slightly less sets and slightly more repetitions.  In fact, if this was written specifically for the female bodybuilder, it would be called the 3x7x6 method—don’t worry, it’ll all make sense shortly if you’re currently confused as hell.)

The 3x10x3 Method involves performing 3 exercises for 10 sets of 3 reps on each exercise.  The beauty of it, for me, is that it allows for enough flexibility no matter the exact split, or full-body workout, that you are using.

If you have never done such a form of training before, then start off with what I call a full-body split program.  At each session, pick 3 exercises that work pretty much your entire body.  At the next session, pick a different set of 3 exercises that also work your entire body, but work them through different planes of motion.

As an example, train 3 days-per-week.  For the first workout, do the following exercises:



Overhead presses

At the 2nd workout, do the following:


Flat bench presses

Barbell curls

Both of those workouts are full-body, but both of them also work your muscles in entirely different planes of movement.  On the 3rd workout of the week, repeat the first workout or if you are advanced, and therefore need more variation, do a workout such as this one:

Front squats

Power cleans

One-arm overhead dumbbell presses

And, as mentioned, every single exercise should be performed for 10 sets of 3 reps.  To determine the weight that you should utilize, here is my general rule: Anytime that you are going to do 10 sets of a single exercise, pick a weight where you could get double the repetitions if you were attempting one single all-out set.  So if you were doing a 10 sets of 10 reps program, you would pick a weight where you could get about 20 reps.  10 sets of 5 would be performed with a weight where you could get 10 reps for one all-out set.  Which means that, here, pick a weight where you would reach failure on about the 6th repetition.

One of the beauties of this program is that it works no matter your preferred body part split.  If you are going to train with an upper/lower split, training your entire upper body on one day, and your lower body on the next, then your program might look something such as this:

Workout One:


Stiff-legged deadlifts

Front squats

Workout Two:

Incline bench presses

Wide-grip chins

Barbell overhead presses

Substitute the chins with some barbell curls on occasion, and that’s a pretty damn good program that would be hard to beat for a combination of power, strength, and muscle mass.

If you’re “old-school” and still like to train the way we did back in the 1980s with something like a 3-on/1-off split, then here are a couple of options:

The Push/Pull Routine:

Day One:

Flat dumbbell bench presses

Barbell overhead presses

Weighted dips

Day Two:

Front Squats

Barbell hack squats

Stiff-legged Deadlifts

Day Three:

Power cleans

Wide-grip chins

Barbell curls

The Antagonistic Routine:

Day One:

Barbell bench presses

Bent-over rows

Behind-the-neck presses

Day Two:

Barbell squats

Romanian deadlifts

Seated calf raises

Day Three:

Barbell curls

Lying pullover-and-presses

Standing wrist curls

If you’re wondering, yes, you can eventually add exercises so that you are doing a 4x10x3 or even a 5x10x3, but do NOT rush into such training until you’ve built up the work capacity.  Spend 12 to 16 weeks doing some of the variations listed here first.

Good luck and good training!  And if you have any questions, please feel free to email me or write in the comments below.


  1. Good stuff. Low rep, high sets training is great. I usually pick one excercise each day, decide on the weight to be used, and commence doing sets in the 1-5 rep range until I can no longer complete singles in good form. Rest periods are kept short.

    you rack up quite a bit of Volume in a short time, and using only one excercise allows you to really focus on the task at hand.


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