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Classic Bodybuilding: The One and Only Zabo Koszewski

The Classic Physique and Workouts of a Golden-Age-of-Muscle Beach Demi-God

There was no one - and I mean no one - quite like the "golden age" bodybuilder Zabo Koszewski.  This is not hyperbole, however cliche that it might sound.

If you are unfamiliar with Zabo, or have never really spent the time to familiarize yourself with his training, then I promise that you are in for a real treat here and now.

A picture that does the great Zabo Koszewski justice.
I can't remember the first time I laid eyes on Zabo or read about his training, but I do remember not being impressed when I first saw pics of him.  This is probably because he wasn't that large of a guy, especially when standing next to some of the larger legends of his day, and, at the time in my bodybuilding life, I was all about massive, more modern bodybuilders.  (I seem to recall that another first impression of him was that he liked to hang out with - and smoke weed with - Tommy Chong, of Cheech and Chong fame, and I can remember decidedly believing that marijuana was the dearth of muscle gains, so this further contributed to my dismissive attitude toward Zabo.)

But at some point, when I started to really love the "golden age" bodybuilders, I read about Zabo's training in either an old IronMan or MuscleMag International, and my opinion of him shifted dramatically.  Here, I realized, was a one-of-a-kind bodybuilder the likes of which we will never see again in mainstream bodybuilding.  (And, yes, I know that this sounds as if it's even more hyperbole, but read on and you will realize just how true it is.)

Bob Hise's article on Zabo in the August, '67 issue of Strength and Health: "The Fabulous Zabo Koszewski"

Here are some quotes regarding Zabo published in Hise's article.  This should begin to allow you to see the uniqueness that was Zabo Koszewski:

Irvin “Zabo” Koszewski is truly the Baron of Muscle Beaches; Santa Monica and Venice. Without a doubt he is the best known and most popular muscle man in Southern California.

“Zabo” made his appearance in this world on August 20, 1922, and began training fourteen years later. Zabo persevered at tossing the weights for 12 years before he won a major physique contest, the 1948 “Mr. New Jersey” title.

Like his boyhood idol, John Grimek, he has never been out of condition. He probably reached the crest of his long career in Portland, Oregon, in May of 1965 when he was crowned the “Over 40-Mr. Pacific Coast.”

Collingswood, N.J. High was the place where he attended school and where his father seemed to think he was dawdling his time away at playing. The "playing" his father referred to, was activities in track and field (shot-put and the javelin), swimming and wrestling. He earned letters in all three and was captain of the grunt and groan team. The grand climax of his high school sports career was that of being selected to the all-state team.

A group of teenagers, which included young Koszewski, acquired a barbell. They trained by the pool side. The chills of winter caused cessation of activities, and then Zabo lugged the weights home and set up training quarters in his cellar. From that time in 1936 until now he has missed very few workouts.

Zabo graduated from his cellar gym to the Camden Y.M.C.A. where he attained the title, “Mr. Abs.” No one and I mean no one, has won as many best abdominal awards as Koszewski.

The sunny shores of Southern California beckoned and Zabo answered the call. He arrived in Santa Monica January 4, 1951, and started training harder than ever at famed Muscle Beach. The “Mr. L.A.”, “Mr. California”, and the “Mr. Pacific Coast” awards were added to his “Mr. N.J.”, “Jr. Mr. Middle Atlantic”, and “Mr. Atlantic” titles. Wherever sub-divisions were a part of competition, Zabo always won “Best Abs.”

Due to the fact that there were so many strength less men entering physique contests in the Los Angeles area, we were forced to set up some kind of a qualification. We of the committee decided that a fair test would be to require all entrants to total three times bodyweight. If memory serves me right, give or take five pounds, Zabo (without a warm-up) did a beautiful squat snatch with 220 and asked if that was proof enough. All kidding aside, I said, “No, I would like to see performances on the other lifts.” He bent over the same bar, whipped it to his chest and made a military press and then placed a 25 pound plate on each end of the bar and did a beautiful squat clean and solid deep split jerk. Zabo stood erect and looked me straight in the eye as he held the weight over head, as to infer, “O.K. wise guy, do you accept this as proof?”

Maybe this doesn’t seem like great poundages today, but, this was done by a physique man weighing approximately 170 pounds without a warm-up and he lifted barefooted and without any “psyching up”.

Zabo does stunt work and bit-parts in T.V. and movies. For 5 years, he played the part of a German in the T.V. series “Combat.” Speaking of acting, he played the part, I mean wrestling, under the name of “Jungle Boy.” If you saw “John Goldfarb” you saw Koszewski in the football scenes.

Zabo manages Joe Gold's Gym and though he works out six days a week from 2½ to 3½ hours per workout, I imagine if a close tab was kept on our hero he would be rattling the weights intermittently throughout the day. Heavy workout days are Monday, Wednesday and Friday and Saturdays are an off day.

And, yes, you just read that correctly: Zabo trained 6 days per week for an average of 3 hours per workout.  This reminds me a bit of a quote by the legendary George Turner (who trained a lot with Zabo in his heyday) that I have posted before.  Here's what Turner had to say:

"What the hell is going on in American bodybuilding?  Where have all the big guys gone?  I don't mean the steroid types who are big and strong periodically (while they're on the drugs) and then after the show stop training, and then get fat (or skinny) and try to relocate their training drive—and their nuts.  I'm talking about the real bodybuilders, the ones who are in the gym month in and month out, year after year, and who give hard, serious training all they've got.  The ones who can't imagine doing without the deep satisfaction that goes with a great, gut-busting three-hour workout.  I'm talking about the real bodybuilders who do it because they love it."

Now, to continue with Hise's article, here is some of what Hise had to say about Zabo's diet and lifestyle:

Zabo follows a strict, sensible diet. He eats two meals a day, breakfast and supper which consists of vegetables, fruits, juices, milk, eggs and meat. Before a contest, he drops the milk products and, for his meat intake, he eats only fish and poultry. This diet is supplemented with an all purpose vitamin and mineral pack, copious quantity of vitamin C plus vitamin E.

Mr. “Abs” has varied interests which include reading of history, chess and art. He likes the outdoors so fishing, both deep sea and fresh water, fall into the spectrum of his likes. He also has a huge collection of jazz and semi-classical records which he spends long hours enjoying.

Appearance means far more than measurements to Koszewski, therefore I am unable to give you the tape indications of his body parts. Size and shape, I must admit is far more of a criteria in determining one’s physical condition than measurements. If only we could have more middle aged men in his superb physical condition there would be very little need for tranquilizers and medicants. Too, the late president John F. Kennedy’s dream of physical fitness would be almost a reality.

That friends is a thumb-nail sketch of the life, likes, and training habits of Irvin Paul "Zabo" Koszewski.

Before we get to what his actual training program looked like, the first thing that always stood out to me with Zabo was his diet.  While most bodybuilders of his day ate between 4 and 6 meals per day, he was content with just 2.  I remember reading that years ago and thinking that there was "no way" that was possible, but then I hit middle age myself, and now I realize that not only is it possible to eat like that and make great gains, it might be necessary for anyone in his 40s or older.

Finally, we end with Zabo's training program.  There are NO typos in this program, and, yes, he DID perform 1,000 reps of abdominal work at every single workout session!


Squats 8 x 10 Alternating
Leg Curls 8 x 10
Hack Squats 2 x 20 Alternating
Leg Curls 2 x 20
Stiff Leg Dead Lift 4 x 10
Power Cleans 4 x 10

Decline Dumbbell Press 10 reps
Cable crossover on overhead pulleys 10 reps
Parallel Dips 10 reps
Push-Ups 25 reps
These exercises are done for 1 set in above sequence, 7 times around.

Chins 7 x 10
Rows on Pulley 7 x 10
Pull Downs Behind Neck on Pulley 7 x 10
One Arm Reverse Laterals on Pulley 7 x 10 each arm


Seated Dumbbell Presses Alternating 7 x 10
Flys with Dumbbells
Seated Press Behind Neck 7 x 10
Upright Rows 7 x 10

Incline Curls Alternate Alternate 20 x 10
Tricep Press Downs on Pulley

All 5 day schedule of workouts are preceded by:
Situps 500 reps No stopping
Leg Raise 500 reps No stopping

SUNDAY-He does what he feels like doing in his training.


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