…but Moderate Most of the Time The great Tommy Kono, the inspiration for this essay Programming Made Simple The legendary Tommy Kono—an Olympic gold-medalist in weightlifting and Mr. Universe; you don’t see that any-damn-more—believed in following the “American” system of weight training. In the ‘60s (Tommy won the gold medal at the Olympics in ‘52 and ‘56; the silver medal at the ‘60 Games) he believed that too many American lifters were attempting to follow the Soviet-style (also used by the Cubans) that involved meticulously planning exactly what one was going to lift each day, and using a high-volume of training with multiple auxiliary movements (think of this as similar to Westside “conjugate” training today) or lifters of that era were following the Bulgarian style of heavy, daily maximal training. And by the “American” system of training, Kono meant following simple, basic workout programs that rotated between hard, easy, and mo...
Essays on Old-School Strength Training, Classic Bodybuilding, Traditional Martial Arts, and Budo Philosophy