Build Tons of Strength, Power, and Mass with my 30-Rep Program. A High-Frequency, Moderate Volume, Low Intensity Program Old-time strongmen such as Hermann Goerner used programs similar to what is recommended here. C.S.'s Note: I was hoping to have Part Two of my "Train for Your Body Type" series posted by now, but I have been busy writing for a local magazine (my "regular" job, so to speak) and that has prevented me from writing as much on the blog. So until I can find the time to finish Part Two of that series, consider this "Thursday Throwback" as sort of an intermediate piece. Here, you will find a program that would build hypertrophy quite nicely for anyone who is a "frequency" bodybuilder/lifter. Even though it is not directly, but is indirectly, related to the following piece, I will give a quick update on the aforementioned "Train for Your Body Type" series (see my last post). That series is based on the fact t...
Essays on Old-School Strength Training, Classic Bodybuilding, Traditional Martial Arts, and Budo Philosophy