If you've never read any McCallum, you're in for a treat. I didn't read McCallum myself until after I had already become a successful lifter - not to mention a successful writer. But I wish I had read McCallum when I first began weight training. It would have saved me a lot of confusion, not to mention prevent me from following a lot of the foolhardy training programs I did follow, if I would have just read - and then put into practice - the great McCallum's advice on getting big. But here's the thing: McCallum ("Mac" as he was known) didn't JUST know how to get one big and strong. He also knew how to get someone lean and looking good . And he was light years ahead of his time. For instance, here's the diet he recommended about 15 to 20 years before Atkins (this article was written in 1965): “The Definition Diet, like most good things, is simple. It’s tasty, nutritious, easy to figure, easy to follow and the ideal adjunc...
Essays on Old-School Strength Training, Classic Bodybuilding, Traditional Martial Arts, and Budo Philosophy