Dr. Kevin Fast is a 54-year old priest who once pulled a plane weighing 188 tons—a then world-record. There are several different methods, workout programs, and tricks of the trade you can use to build an impressive amount of strength. Most of them I've written about here on my blog, so it's not that hard to find a good method or program to use. When you factor in not just this blog, but the rest of the good blogs and sites that are available these days, well, you have a plethora of methods at your disposal. Maybe too many. The problem is not in finding the right program, but in finding the right program for you. The gist of this article is going to be about methods of strength training for the older athlete—along with an example program—but the methods employed could also be used for the younger athlete, as well, especially one who develops strength well on lower-volume programs (this would typically be larger athletes) or one who has a 9-to-5 job that is es...
Essays on Old-School Strength Training, Classic Bodybuilding, Traditional Martial Arts, and Budo Philosophy