This is a second part in a series on (what I call) Texas Volume Training. It would serve you well to read the first article before starting this one. The program presented here is strictly for powerlifters (or lifters who want to spend some time building their powerlifts) who are interested in building muscle – whether it’s purely for ascetical reasons or whether it’s because they are interested in moving up a weight class. The program presented here is not for lifters who need to stay in the same weight class or who are trying to drop bodyweight. (To be honest, the original article on Texas Volume Training isn’t for this class of people, either. The volume is just too high, making it well-nigh impossible to not gain some amount of muscle.) What follows is much of the original article (including the “template” from the first article) with a lot of additional commentary for changing up the...
Essays on Old-School Strength Training, Classic Bodybuilding, Traditional Martial Arts, and Budo Philosophy