Anyone familiar with the writings of Bradley Steiner (he wrote a lot of good stuff for the old Iron Man magazine back in the ‘70s), might be surprised that he actually recommended a form of split training. He called it the “Rugged Size and Strength Split Program.” I have good feeling that it was the only split program he ever wrote about. So, what’s this program look like? We’ll take a look at the major tenets of the routine, then I’ll offer some suggestions for making the routine work for you. These suggestions will be based on both my own observations and those of Bradley Steiner. Steiner said that this routine might be better described as a “divided” workout schedule instead of a “split” program because you divide up a total body workout and you don’t use anything close to what’s normally considered a split routine. Here’s how the thing works: On three non-consecutive days each week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, for example) you perform the fol...
Essays on Old-School Strength Training, Classic Bodybuilding, Traditional Martial Arts, and Budo Philosophy