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Thursday Throwback: The 30-Rep Program

Build Tons of Strength, Power, and Mass with my 30-Rep Program. A High-Frequency, Moderate Volume, Low Intensity Program Old-time strongmen such as Hermann Goerner used programs similar to what is recommended here.      C.S.'s Note: I was hoping to have Part Two of my "Train for Your Body Type" series posted by now, but I have been busy writing for a local magazine (my "regular" job, so to speak) and that has prevented me from writing as much on the blog.  So until I can find the time to finish Part Two of that series, consider this "Thursday Throwback" as sort of an intermediate piece.  Here, you will find a program that would build hypertrophy quite nicely for anyone who is a "frequency" bodybuilder/lifter.      Even though it is not directly, but is  indirectly, related to the following piece, I will give a quick update on the aforementioned "Train for Your Body Type" series (see my last post).  That series is based on the fact t...

Train for Your Body Type and Double Your Muscle Gains

The VOLUME, FREQUENCY, or INTENSITY Bodybuilder - Which One Are You?! A Vision of INTEGRAL Hypertrophy Training Part One: The VOLUME Bodybuilder This series is dedicated to George Hackenschmidt, the "original" integral bodybuilder. C.S.’s Note: What follows is something that I have been working on—in my mind at least—for quite some time.  It is an attempt at an “integral vision” for hypertrophy training.  It’s not necessarily “complete” in the sense that, as I work with some physique athletes, I may come to make some slight changes to the entire “system” I have intuited, especially when dealing with bodybuilders who respond to different methodologies than myself.  And, I must admit, that I almost didn’t post this even after writing the entire thing because I thought it could be confusing for some readers, especially for new bodybuilders.  This entire series of articles, therefore, is meant for bodybuilders who are at least at an intermediate level.  Having said...