Hardcore Strength and Power Training Part One: A Hepburn-Inspired Pure Power Program Doug Hepburn, the Canadian strongman, didn't let being born with a club foot keep him from becoming one of the greatest strength athletes of all time! I thought I would do a series of articles on my true love, the one form of training that has always been closest to my heart: hardcore strength and power training. The sort of training done by elite powerlifters and strength athletes, not for money or fame, but because they can’t think of anything better than being the absolute strongest human being on earth, man or woman. I understand the mentality. I love the mentality. I had that same mentality when I was a powerlifter. Until I was hit with a series of career-ending injuries, I had one goal and one goal only: to be the strongest powerlifter walking the earth, drug...
Essays on Old-School Strength Training, Classic Bodybuilding, Traditional Martial Arts, and Budo Philosophy