This may be a bit of an odd post. It's basically whatever is simply swirling around in my head at the moment. I will try my best to make sense of it. Not for me. It makes sense for me, however abstract it might be. But for you. I've often felt that what makes us good, makes us bad, as well. Let me explain... A Saint Who Wasn't When I was accepted into the Orthodox Church (or, as the Orthodox refer to it, the One Holy, Catholic, and Orthodox Church), baptized, and then chrismated, I took Saint Christopher as my patron Saint. It made sense to me, since my parents had given me the name Christopher (after the very same saint, Christopher the Christ-Bearer). (They also gave me two other middle names, one of them being Stuart, for those of you who actually give a damn. Hence, the name C.S.) But Christopher is not the saint I would have originally chosen. No, that honor would have gone to Saint David, or the Prophet Davi...
Essays on Old-School Strength Training, Classic Bodybuilding, Traditional Martial Arts, and Budo Philosophy