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New article: "From Russia with Strength and Power"

     I have a new article out.  It was posted yesterday on Mike Mahler's website.  (Mahler, by the way, is a heck of a strength coach.  If you haven't checked out his website, you need to.  If you like the stuff you see here, you'll definitely like what he has to offer.)
     The article focuses on the training methods—powerlifting, mostly—employed by a lot of Russian lifters, and lifters from other countries that were formerly part of the Soviet empire.
     Here is how the article begins:

     For years, the countries of Russia and others from the former Soviet Republic have dominated international powerlifting and Olympic lifting competitions.  And for years, there has also been an aura of mystique surrounding the methods they use to produce such phenomenal athletes, not to mention a lot of misconceptions about those methods.

     In this article, I’m going to clear up those misconceptions by laying out the methods they utilize, plus I’m going to outline a couple of routines based on these methods.  In fact, I think many lifters (including bodybuilders) in the Western world would achieve better results by incorporating these routines at least part of the year.  (These routines are also excellent for any MMA fighters that might reading this, as these workouts build a lot of strength and power—functional muscle mass, not just bulk.)

      I hope that whets your appetite.  To read the rest of the article, just go to


  1. I've read the article and I am wondering what the progression over the weeks should be in rep ranges and loads? Should it be conjugated like Sheiko does? Or linear? Do you have a sample 5 week program?

  2. CS, do you still think this is a viable program? IF so, any changes to be made?

    1. Short answer: Yes
      Long Answer: I do think this is still a viable program - in fact, ANY program worth its weight should still be good no matter when it was written! Keep in mind, however, that the program that I included in this article is just an example, and it WOULD need to be modified as the weeks progressed. But the 6 "methods" that I list are not only still "viable" but their viability may be even greater these days with more and more "regular lifters" doing "functional" strength training.


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